Monday, May 26, 2008

Gaining Weight

Yeah! He is finally gaining weight. He looks so much better. Amanda (she runs Greene Acres) has been giving him something called "cool calories". It helps him get extra fat without the extra energy. I don't know how much of it he actually eats, but he does seem to be doing much better.

Went up today, and they are starting their Indoor riding ring, and an outdoor riding ring. They have fencing up for more pastures, and from what I understand they will be building lean to's out there for the horses for shade and such. I can't wait!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Beautiful Weekend!

It was a beautiful weekend! On Saturday I went to Leslie's. There was a lady there with her Lippit Morgan gelding. Oh he was beautiful! Gorgeous horse! Very typey. Anyway, I learned alot. It's amazing how much more you learn when you can see people doing each thing with their horse, and all the different types of horses. I am hoping to start really working with Bass this weekend. I have been here and there doing small things, mostly just spending undemanding time with him. He enjoys that.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008


His new home. Greene Acres Equestrian Center. He is soo happy. I will get some pictures of the whole place. My mom and Barbara came up with their dogs, Molly and Meredith, (Molly is deaf and only has one eye, she loves Bass, Meredith, I don't know if she's to sure yet.) (I'll put pictures up of them also.)

So, they came up over the weekend and we walked with Bass over the little bridge to the field. He was so good. I thought for sure he would give me a hard time. I watched him though, as soon as I saw him getting a little nervous I would turn him back toward the barn and let him eat grass. I only had to do that twice and when he was calm he just walked right over.

oh! He is also starting to gain weight. His winter coat is shedding out revealing his shiny summer coat.

All this Natural Horsemanship stuff I've been trying to learn has really helped me. I have made some new friends. Also with working at Dion Tack on the weekends, It has opened up the whole horsey world again. : )

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ambassador's New home

The picture at the top with the title is also his new place.